About Me

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Rachel trained at the Italia Conti Academy of Theatre Arts where she graduated in Professional Musical Theatre and recieved awards for best actress.She later went on to work with queen choreographer, Arlene Philips, as a principal dancer with the unique performances of The Give Back Project and played a principal role in a new writers play entitled The Perfect Man for Me. She went on to make her first short film with Ocean Storm productions entitled 'The Pledge'. After leaving Paris where she was promoted to dance captain in shows and parades she discovered her passion to teach and help benefit others in performing arts. She has since taught dance and drama all over the country with Jago performers in Worcester, Abbey School of Dance in Coventry and Lemon Jelly Arts in Leicester and London. Rachel now wishes to further her teaching skills to one day achieve her ambitions of becoming a successful member of a stage school faculty or perhaps even a principal. She is undertaking a Work Based Learning course to develop these skills and achieve the needed qualifications to conquer her dreams.

Create your own happiness...

Happiness is the Key to Success!

Thursday, 15 April 2010

Activity 1 - Glossary.

Control Group - In experimental research, a group that, for the sake of comparison, does not receive the treatment the experimenter is interested in.

Crossbreaks - Also called cross- tabulation and cross partitions. A way of arranging data about categorical variables in a matrix so that relations can be more clearly seen. This is not to be confused with a factorial table, in which two or more variables are related to a third.

Data Set- a collection of related data items, such as answers given by respondents to all questions on a survey.

External validity- the extent to which the findings of a study are relevant to subjects and settings beyond those in the study. Another term for generalizability.

Univariate Analysis- studying the distribution of cases of one variable only. For example, studying the ages of a particular group in society but not considering their gender, ethnicity, and so on.

Validity- a term to describe a measurement instrument or test that measures what it is supposed to measure; the extent to which a measure is free of systematic error. For example, a bathroom scale provides a reliable measure but cannot give a valid measure of height.

(These are just a selected number of words from my full glossary I have constructed since the start of the module.)

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